Elk Hunts
Wildlife Systems offers a limited number of free-range elk hunts in Texas, which is a sleeper destination for these big game animals. Currently, Texas free-ranging elk are considered to be exotics, since they were re-stocked, so there are no closed seasons, but their population is growing and their geography expanding, making elk a realistic new opportunity for many hunters.
WSI offers elk hunts on several ranches in the Trans-Pecos region of Texas north of Big Bend. These hunts are spot-and-stalk, following elk bugles and glassing large herds of animals across vast expanses of mountains, foothills, and brushy flats. These are true elk hunts that, while challenging, are some of our most rewarding offerings.
This area does not hold large populations of elk like some of the western states. Wildlife Systems’ elk hunters will typically see 5-15 elk per day. One of the strengths of this area for elk is that it is all private land, with very limited pressure, therefor the bulls often have a chance to get plenty of age on them, providing good trophy quality. Our kill rates are generally in the 80%+ range, with most of the harvested bulls sporting antlers that will normally score 300” – 325”, but we occasionally take bulls that are 350”+. If you want to see large numbers of elk, Texas is not the best option, but if you’d like to have a reasonable opportunity to shoot a quality bull and enjoy a unique hunting experience in a unique region, then this may be a great choice for you.
These hunts generally take place from September 15 – October 15, when the elk are rutting. Should we have cooler temperatures and cloudy days, the bugling activity is often very active at this time. We also occasionally hunt these elk during January, which is cooler weather and the bulls are often in the bachelor groups.
We recommend a minimum of a 180 grain bullet that’s well constructed. Please, no highly expandable bullets such as Nosler Ballistic Tips, Berger bullets, or hollow points. We suggest A-frames, partitions, or bonded bullets that retain most of the bullet mass but will expand sufficiently. We recommend that your gun be sighted in dead-on at 100 yards. Bring a good set of binoculars, a small day pack, and any other regular gear that you would normally bring on this type of hunt.
Resident hunters simply need their regular hunting license; no special permits are required. Non-residents will need a Special 5-day Non-Resident Hunting License which is only $48 and is over the counter, thus requiring no drawing or special lottery. Wildlife Systems can take care of printing the license for our clients, if the client will simply fill out our Hunter Profile and indicate their need for us to take care of their license; or you can procure the license yourself at TPWD.
Prices vary between properties, so please inquire on pricing details and option. Availability is extremely limited, so consider booking a year or so in-advance.